Mingze Xu

Mingze Xu

徐 铭 泽

Machine Learning Engineer at Apple

601 Union St

Seattle, WA 98101

xumingze0308 [at] gmail [dot] com

LinkedIn | Google Scholar | GitHub


  • 07/2024:   [New] We released SlowFast-LLaVA, a strong training-free Video LLM.

  • 02/2024:   Joined Apple as Machine Learning Engineer!

  • 07/2023:   One paper accepted to ICCV 2023!

  • 06/2023:   Serve as Area Chair for CVPR 2024.

  • 05/2023:   Serve as Area Chair for WACV 2024.

[New] If you are interested in research internship on Multimodal LLMs for Fall 2024 or Spring/Summer/Fall 2025 in our team, please send your resume to me via email.


Hi, I am Mingze. I am a Machine Learning Engineer at Apple. My research interests lie primarily in the area of computer vision and deep learning, and my current focus is on building large-scale Multimodal Foundation Models, especially for video understanding and reasoning. Before joining Apple, I also worked or interned at Cruise AI, AWS AI Labs, Microsoft Research, and Honda Research Institute.

I received my Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from Indiana University, advised by Prof. David Crandall in 2020. I was a visiting student researcher at Georgia Institute of Technology, working with Prof. Dhruv Batra and Prof. Devi Parikh, in 2018. Before that, I received my Master's degree in Computer Science from Indiana University and my Bachelor's degree in Software Engineering from Jilin University.

Selected Publications

(*Equal Contribution, Corresponding Author)

Last update: 07/22/2024